The Town of Oakfield is in the process of updating the Town of Oakfield – Comprehensive Plan 2008 – 2028 that was adopted on July 21, 2008.  To assist the Town in updating its current plan, the Town has enlisted the aid of East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. 

The plan is a statement of public policy concerning the conservation and development of the Town. The plan provides a guide to where future growth and development should occur over the next twenty years. When the Town makes future decisions concerning land use development, the plan will be consulted. The plan inventories and analyzes the Town’s physical settings, natural features, land use, population figures, economics, housing stock, transportation and community facilities. 

The Town of Oakfield Comprehensive Plan Update 2040 is available for public review. A public hearing on the proposed plan will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 24, 2020 at the Oakfield Town Hall, N3349 Oak Center Road, Oakfield.  For additional information, please contact the Town Clerk at 920-517-6727 or by email at  Written comments can be submitted to the Town Clerk at W8965 Oak Center Road, Oakfield, WI 53065 before or at the public hearing.

More information regarding the development of the Town’s comprehensive plan update is available at: