PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on August 31, 2020, the Town of Oakfield,
Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, adopted the following two ordinances:
Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance:
Section 2.4 A. is amended to read: All lots shall have a minimum 50 foot frontage upon a public roadway or other officially approved means of access; however, in order to receive a building permit for construction of any principal structure, the lot must comply with the minimum lot width requirements specified for the applicable zoning district. No residence may be located a distance greater than 400 feet from the center of the public roadway without obtaining a variance from the Board of Appeals.
All other provisions of the Town of Oakfield Zoning Ordinance remain in full force and effect.
Ordinance Amending Conservation Subdivision Ordinance:
Section 3.1(1) is amended to read: (1) AREAS TO BE REGULATED
The conservation subdivision standards apply to a division of a lot, parcel or tract of land that creates 3 or more parcels or building sites, or successive divisions of land within a five-year period that result in 3 or more parcels. The number of new parcels that can be created shall be consistent with the applicable zoning ordinance for the parent parcel. The overall development density for the parent parcel is the same as would be allowed for a conventional subdivision except for those conservation subdivisions which qualify for a development bonus under section 5.2. The provisions of this ordinance apply to residential development within the Town. Conservation subdivisions should not be allowed in either the Niagara Escarpment Management Zone, Horicon Marsh Viewshed Overlay Zone, and Resource Protection Areas as indicated in the Oakfield Area Joint Land Use Plan or areas where shoreland and floodplain zoning is currently enforced.
All other provisions of the Town of Oakfield Conservation Subdivision Ordinance remain in full force and effect.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that both ordinances impose forfeitures for violations of various provisions.
Both Ordinances are posted outside of the Town Hall at N3349 Oak Center Road, Oakfield, WI 53065 and are available at the Town of Oakfield website at
Dated this 31st day of August 2020
Nicole Schauer, Town Clerk