PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on October 19, 2020, the Town of Oakfield, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, adopted an ordinance entitled ‘Ordinance Conditionally Approving Rezone’.
This ordinance is adopted based on the ‘Resolution Recommending Conditional Approval of Rezoning’ adopted by the Town of Oakfield Plan Commission on this date, the Property described in said Resolution, Parcel Number T15-14-16-27-12-001-00 and owned by the Malterer Revocable Trust, is hereby rezoned to Industrial subject to the following:
1. The rezoning shall not take effect unless and until a non-metallic mining Special Use Permit is issued for the Property.
2. If a non-metallic mining Special Use Permit is not issued for the Property within two years of the date of this Ordinance, the conditional rezoning described herein is void and of no effect.
The complete text of the ordinance is available by contacting the Town Clerk at 920.517.6727
Dated this 19th day of October 2020
Nicole Schauer, Town Clerk