The Town of Oakfield is seeking sealed bids for the following road projects:

Road resurfacing project:

  1. KINWOOD ROAD (Centerline Road to Highland Road): approximately 1 mile section. Pulverize and shape the existing asphalt and compact to a width of 20-21 feet, the placement of a compacted 2 inch hot-mix asphalt mat with the addition of 2-foot-wide gravel shoulders.

Hot-mix asphalt shall be bid on a per ton price for material laid in place and compacted. Material shall meet Wisconsin DOT specifications for moderate volume roads. The pulverizing of existing pavement, shaping and compacting, shall be bid on a square yard price, with a total price for the project. Gravel material shall be bid on a per ton basis for both the base and shoulders.

Sealcoating projects:

  1. THILL ROAD (County Y west to curve): approximately 1.25 miles x 20-21 feet wide – hot oil single seal coat application using 1/8” black stone.
  2. JOHNSON ROAD (Oak Center Road north): approximately .77 miles x 20 feet wide – hot oil single seal coat application using 1/8” black stone.

Sealcoating shall be bid on a per mile basis, with a separate quote for any recommended wedging.

Cold mix wedging project:

  1. HIGHBRIDGE ROAD (County Road Y to County Road D): approximately 1.36 miles x 20-22 feet wide – cold mix wedging in various sections.

For cold mix asphalt spot wedging, quote must include price per ton for material laid in place and compacted, and the estimated number of tons to be used for the project.

Contractors are to supply all labor, material, traffic control, signing and proof of insurance.

The Town Board reserves the right to reject or disregard any or all bids, or parts of bids, which do not adequately respond to the specifications requested in the bid notice.

Bids will be publicly opened and acted upon at 7:00 p.m. on Monday May 8, 2023, at the Town Hall in Oak Center at N3349 Oak Center Road, Oakfield.

The bidders are reminded that the work must be completed to State of Wisconsin DOT standards.

All interested parties may contact Town Road Supervisor Joseph Schauer, W8965 Oak Center Road, Oakfield, WI 53065, (920) 904-0161 for further information or to view the proposed projects.

Nicole Schauer, Town Clerk