NOTICE: Road Bid Project 5-14-2018




The Town of Oakfield is seeking sealed bids for road resurfacing projects in the town.

The resurfacing projects consist of approximately 1.0 mile on Mill Pond Road:

  • Mill Pond Road, south from County Road Y to town line, approximately .5 miles
  • Mill Pond Road, starting approximately .5 miles north of County Road Y, then for a distance of approximately .5 miles

The project will involve the addition of 4 inches of ¾ inch road gravel lift, the pulverizing of the existing asphalt with the added gravel including shaping and compacting to a width of 20 ft., the placement of a compacted 2 inch hot-mix asphalt mat with the addition of 2 ft. wide gravel shoulders.

The hot-mix asphalt shall be bid on a per ton price for material laid in place and compacted. Material shall meet Wisconsin DOT specifications for moderate volume roads. The pulverizing of existing pavement, shaping and compacting shall be bid on a square yard price, with a total price for the project. Gravel material shall be bid on a per ton basis for both the base and shoulders.

The cost of gravel for road lift should be separated between road cost and shouldering cost.  The bid should contain the materials estimate, cost for the shoulder gravel and cost to do the work.

Contractors are to supply all labor, material, traffic control, signing and proof of insurance.

The Town of Oakfield reserves the right to reject any or all bids or part of bids and accept any bid which, in the judgement of the Town Board, may be most advantageous to the Town.  Bids will be publicly opened and acted upon at 7:00 p.m. on Monday June 11, 2018 at the Town Hall in Oak Center.

The bidders are reminded that the work must be completed to State of Wisconsin DOT standards.

All interested may contact Town Road Supervisor Joe Schauer at (920) 904-0161, for further information or to view the proposed projects.

Dated this 14th day of May 2018

Nicole Schauer, Town Clerk